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Financial Assistance for Capacity Building and training of Museum Professionals

Name of the scheme: Scheme for Financial Assistance for Capacity Building and training of Museum Professionals

Purpose: The main purpose of the scheme is to support institutions who wish to depute their professionals for intensive capacity building, training programmes in order to upgrade their expertise/skills in the following and related fields.



  • The applicant institution should have been in existence after registration for at least 5 (five) years prior to application. However, this condition can be relaxed in exceptional and deserving cases at the discretion of the Secretary (Culture), the reasons for which should be recorded in writing.
  • It should have a well defined constitution and laid down rules/bye laws for its functioning.
  • It should be in ownership and possession of substantial collection of objects (minimum 500 objects) of historical/cultural/scientific importance that are on public display at all times. The nature and number of objects possessed and displayed by the museum should be clearly indicated in the proposal while applying for financial assistance under the Scheme.
  • The museum should be for public service and not-for profit
  • The Applicant institutions should send a covering letter, forwarding the application describing their suitability for the training, in the light of the plans that the museum has developed for the upgradation in their museums.


  • The candidate should be an Indian national
  • The candidate should have a basic qualification of Graduation in any subject
  • The candidate/s proposed to be sent on training by the institution should have at least 5 years experience working in/for a museum and should produce relevant documents to support the same even in cases where he/she has not worked with the applicant institution for 5 years.
  • Individuals who do not work with a museum/institution and only undertake freelance work will not be supported through this grant.
  • In case of candidates from non-government museums registered as trusts/ societies as per eligibility criteria at a) above, the Museum should acknowledge the support from the Ministry under this scheme in the following manner:
  • The Ministry of Culture logo and name should appear at a prominent place at the Museum’s entry and remain there for a period of 3 years from the date of release of grant to acknowledge its support.
  • The Ministry’s support should be acknowledged in the final report of the training prepared by the Museum/candidate.
  • The international institution/museum being collaborated with should provide a letter of acknowledging the contribution of the Ministry of Culture towards supporting the candidate.

Conditions of financial grant:

  • The maximum amount of financial assistance would be 80% of the total estimated cost of training programme subject to a maximum of Rs. 30 lakhs per museum in case of Central/State Government Museums.
  • Financial assistance in respect of museums registered as Societies, Voluntary Institutions or Trusts under the Indian Societies Act of 1860 or a similar legislation would be 70% of the total estimated cost of training programme subject to a maximum of Rs. 20 lakhs per museum. The balance cost will have to be managed by the museum concerned themselves.
  • Financial Grant for the purpose of capacity building and training of museum professionals will be given to a museum once in 3 years.
  • The grant will cover expenses towards
    1. Training fee to host institution
    2. Foreign and domestic travel for purposes of training
    3. Subsistence costs (lodging and boarding) for the duration of training,
    4. Purchase of books or other intellectual material necessary for such training,
    5. Costs for purchase of stationary and teaching aids,
    6. Travel insurance for foreign travel (wherever mandated by foreign countries)
    7. Costs for Visa fee and similar permits.

For more information regarding the scheme, click here

About Sahitya

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